Les Petites Surprises

Concerts itinéraires en Nouvelle-Aquitaine

During the 2018-2019 season, the ensemble Les Surprises get together with the company éclats in ordrer to start a concert season named Les petites surprises d’éclats and a show destined to children, with school and family performances. After two sucessful seasons in Bordeaux, we took the opportunity of our tripartite residence with the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles and the festival Sinfonia en Périgord to create a season of itinerant concerts. This project enabled us to realize two seasons of theses concerts in schools located in all the Dordogne department.

Considering the success of this project, we decided to reiterate it during the 2023-2024 season. Itinerant concerts were programmed to students from the nursery school to high-school. The purpose for them was to discover baroque music and to familiarize with the instruments used at that time.

This program called Les petites Surprises, is constructed as a path and takes place in three steps :

  • Before the concert: a mediator meets the students in order to talk with them about the concert, the baroque music and give them some historical and practical info.
  • During the concert: a musician goes directly in the classes to perform a recital followed by a question/answer time with students and teachers (1 hour)
  • After the concert: a document is send to all the teachers so that they can go into what was heard and said in depth.

This project benefits from the Caisse des Dépôts’s sponsorship.

Download the season presentation here (PDF)