Project Description
From Bach to Mozart
6 instrumentists
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart played the organ from an early age, and his many trips with his father gave him the opportunity to play many of them.
In Leipzig, the centre of Bach’s art, the kappelmeister of the time, Doles, heard Mozart improvise and «was delighted with the artist’s play and believed to have revived the old Sebastian Bach, his master».
Mozart got acquainted with Bach’s music by Baron Gottfried van Swieten, who organized morning concerts in his house bringing together experts and amateurs of «early music»! Mozart was very strongly marked in discovering the works of the Leipzig cantor, marking his own compositions in the 1782’s. In this musical circle where Mozart played the piano or the viola, one played there nothing but Handel and Bach. I now have a collection of the fugues of Bach, Sébastian as well as Emmanuel and Friedemann.»